Friday, January 23, 2009

Interview with British newspaper

An interesting item came across my inbox the other day having to do with Playboy the company founded by Hugh Hefner that revolutionized the nudie mag industry. In an interview with British newspaper the Journal, Mark Wahlberg spoke out about his experiences being a father to 5-year-old Ella Rae, 2-year-old Michael and 9-week-old Brendan Joseph. Wellesley and Jennifer Bolt, parents of triple Olympic gold medallist, Usain Bolt, are due to leave the island today for Monaco where they will attend Sundays IAAF World Athletics Gala at the Salle des Etoiles of the Sporting Club dEte in the Principality of Monaco. The Salt Lake City women were among hundreds gathered as early as 9 p. In 2007 the Boots TV advert gave real insight into the lengthy preparations women make when getting ready for that all-important Christmas party. The Knight Base Table was delivered to the couples New York City apartment earlier this month (Nov08), suggesting the pair is planning a big Thanksgiving family celebration.

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